Envelope Giving – New Envelopes and Number
A new yearly supply of giving envelopes is now available at the back of the church for the year starting on Sunday 6th October.
There is also a form with the names of those using the giving envelopes, together with a distinct individual envelope number. Please sign the form against your name for the new yearly box of envelope and ensure you take the correct numbered box.
There are some extra sets available if anybody would like to start using the envelopes. Please ensure that you take the number against the blank name space, print your name and sign to show that you have taken a set.
There are also some information packs at the back of the church about the Parish Giving Scheme if anybody would like to change from the
Envelope Scheme to a monthly direct debit scheme.
If anybody is able to Gift Aid who hasn’t previously signed a Gift Aid declaration form there are some forms at the back of church. Please ensure that you pay enough income tax to be eligible.
In order to avoid any confusion please ensure that you only start the new boxes from Sunday 6th October. If you have any queries please contact Kay Callan, PCC Treasurer, tel. no. 07846 416 178