Prayer focus w/c 16th June
As part of “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer initiative, we were reminded that we do not need fancy language in order to pray. God knows the cry of our hearts and longs for us to share them with him, one to one. Do that now. Just tell him how you are feeling, what is worrying you, who you are praying for, give thanks and as you draw closer to him may you feel his peace and love flow into you.
Consider; What kind of a prayer are you? Do you have a set time each day when you pray? If so, be brave do it twice a day. Do you follow a set format each day? Why not change the order or add something? If you are a “shooting arrows” prayer. Why not stop at a fixed time every day for that moment of considered prayer? Or if you’ve always thought about writing a prayer diary, find the notebook and the pen and do it!!!