Save the dates!

Looking ahead:

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on 26th February

Monday 2nd March 3.45pm Messy Church, ‘The Creation of the World’

Wednesdays in Lent starting on 5th March. Local churches are taking turns to host prayerful events/worship from 12 noon to 12.30, to be followed by fellowship over a bring and share lunch. This will replace the very early morning events which we undertook for the last few years.

Mondays 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th March [i.e., four Mondays but not on Messy Church day!] there will be a parish fellowship from 7.30-9pm . We shall look at the Bible and discuss together, looking at material ‘God the Father’. Our house groups have waned and this is an opportunity to come together as a whole church to study during Lent….and who knows it might give you a taste for study groups! Please try to come.

weeks commencing Monday 16th March, 23rd and 30th. Children from St Andrew’s Junior School, Hadfield Infant School and Padfield Community Primary School, c 400 will come to church in groups to participate in Praying Through Easter

March 29th St Andrew’s APCM after the morning service. This is our annual meeting for electing churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod members. Felicity Walters

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