World Day of Prayer – 6th March 2020
Glossop and District’s World Day of Prayer service on Friday 6th March 2020 at Central Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Glossop at 1.30pm as advertised on the World Day of Prayer’s website.
This year’s service is prepared by Christian women of Zimbabwe and is titled Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk based on John 5:2-9a. The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement of informed prayer and prayerful action with more than 120 countries participating in an annual day of celebration which brings together people of various races, cultures and traditions sharing God’s word and worship.
Please put the dates in your diary/newsletters. I shall be distributing posters in the next week or so. Any enquires to myself by email or telephone 01457 764200 or 07954 309756.
Kind regards,
Carole Wardle.